The publishers of The Texas Lawbook recently called on Alavi Anaipakos’ co-founder Amir Alavi for his views on the new case assignment system employed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas, where Judge Alan Albright’s court is home to the busiest patent docket in the nation. The order entered on Monday, July 25, by Chief Judge Orlando Garcia is designed to “equitably distribute” cases filed in Judge Albright’s Waco Division among all 12 of the Western District’s judges.
Mr. Alavi is quoted in the Lawbook article as saying he thinks the order is seemingly a response to the many complaints from lawmakers and others about Judge Albright being responsible for a docket of more than 1,500 patent disputes, which he says has never been a problem except for those who want to delay their day in court.
“There is nothing inherently wrong with patent owners choosing Waco over other venues in order to take advantage of the fact that (Judge Albright) is an experience patent lawyer who gets his cases to trial faster than other venues – in many cases by years.”

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